Health Benefits of Brisk Walking

Why should I walk everyday?

As we grow old, gain lots of weight and life becomes sedentary running can be difficult as well as it may carry a high risk of injuries.

Slow leisurely walking on the other hand would be injury-free in most cases but it carries little health benefits.

Brisk Walking: A Win-Win Situation

The brisk walk which is in the middle of these is a great solution that has health benefits as well as carries only a small risk of injuries.

It can even be performed by patients who suffer from multiple diseases. Therefore this is the most endorsed aerobic workout technique.

Several lifestyle-related problems can be avoided or minimized by brisk walking, which includes, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dementia, cancer, frailty, muscle wasting, stress, and depression.

Suggested Duration 

The American Heart Association recommended duration is at least 150 minutes of brisk walking per week. One can split this among weekdays. It would come around 30 minutes per day into five days. Most people may miss out on brisk walking a day or two each week due to life compulsions.

Harvard Men's Health Watch;Walking: Your steps to health
What Does “Brisk Walking” Mean?

About the author: Dr. Naval Asija is a licensed MBBS Physician from India. MBBS is the equivalent of the MD degree offered by international medical schools. He is based in Delhi, India, and works as a medical writer, editor, and consultant. He supports medical researches as an author's editor, medical communication companies involved in medico-marketing activities, and medical technology companies in improving their products. He can be contacted via his LinkedIn Profile:

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